SILPAC Colloquium


The SILPAC research colloquium is open to all members of the SILPAC project, in particular the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. It will run each semester either in Stuttgart (convenor: Tom Rainsford, H1) or in Mannheim (convenor: Helen Engemann, P2).

Programme for the summer semester 2024

Key facts

Topic Scientific Writing Seminar, held by Shanley Allen

When? Thursdays 13:30–15:00, 25 April–18 July

Where? Online (see details in Slack channel)

Who? All doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in SILPAC; PIs and student assistants also welcome.


  • 25 April Introduction, developing a story line
  • 2 May Logical flow and reader expectations
  • 6 May More on logical flow and reader expectations
  • 6 June Discussion of draft article by Anna
  • 13 June Discussion of draft article by Alessia
  • 20 June Discussion of draft article by Ioli
  • 27 June Discussion of draft article by Mariapaola
  • 4 July Discussion of draft article by Chantal
  • 11 July Discussion of draft article by Duygu
  • 18 July Discussion of draft article by Fenia

Programme for the winter semester 2023-2024

Key facts

When? Thursdays 14:00–15:30, 19 October–15 February

Where? Online (see details in Slack channel)

Who? All doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in SILPAC; PIs and student assistants also welcome.


  • 19 October Introductory session
  • 26 October Reading session on the Tolerance Principle (Tom)
  • 2 November Reading session on the shared syntax model (Chantal)
  • 9 November Workshop session (R scripting)
    • presentation of work in progress, ask for peer support
    • presenters: Mariapaola, Ioli
  • 16 November Presentation: Ioli
  • 23 November Reading session on implicit learning (Alina)
  • 14 December Reading session on Eva Fernández’s approach (Fenia)
  • 11 January Reading session on the loss of particles in French (Tom): Troberg and Leung (2021)
  • 18 January Guest speaker: Barbara Schirakowski (FU Berlin): Event structure in language contact: Manner, result and French-English bilingualism
  • 25 January Guest speaker: Yung Han Khoe (Radboud University): Bilingual syntax as error-based implicit learning
  • 1 February Peer support session: Python scripting
  • 15 February Guest speaker: Christoph Scheepers (Glasgow): Syntactic Priming of Relative-Clause Attachments: Implications for the Mental Representation of Syntax

Programme for the Mannheim spring-summer semester 2023

Key facts

When? Thursdays 12:00-13:30, 23 February-1 June

Where? Online (see details in Slack channel)

Who? All doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in SILPAC; PIs and student assistants also welcome.


  • 23 February Introduction and open discussion (feedback retreat & equal opportunities/gender equality measures)
  • 2 March Sigríður Björnsdóttir
  • 9 March Alessia Cassarà
  • 16 March Fenia Karkaletsou
  • 23 March Tara Struik
  • 20 April Duygu Şafak
  • 27 April Lena Kaltenbach
  • 4 May Mariapaola Piccione
  • 11 May Anna Michelotti
  • 25 May Ioli Baroncini
  • 1 June Alina Khodolova

Programme for the SILPAC online research colloquium, autumn-winter semester 2022

Key facts

When? Thursdays 15:30-17:00

Convenor Carola Trips


  • 8 September Introduction, organisation
  • 15 September talk Ailís Cournane (New York University): Exploring the role of first language acquisition in language change phenomena
  • 22 September talk Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State University): Language acquisition and language change
  • 29 September talk Michelle Troberg (University of Toronto Mississauga): Result and Motion in Medieval French: Changes in the structure of the input?
  • 6 October talk Hendrik de Smet & Marie-Anne Markey (KU Leuven): Cruising, off-roading but no parking
  • 13 October talk Eva Zehentner (University of Zurich): PP-constructions in the history of English: Categorisation and competition
  • 20 October preparation for R workshop
  • 3 November talk Robert Hartsuiker (Ghent University): Cross-linguistic structural priming: the role of word order
  • 10 November talk Gerrit Jan Kootstra (Radboud University Nijmegen): Cross-language structural priming as a mechanism of language contact: short-term and long-term effects
  • 17 November talk Anna Michelotti (doc SILPAC)
  • 24 November talk Ioli Baroncini (postdoc SILPAC)

Programme for the Stuttgart summer semester 2022

Key facts

When? Wednesdays 15:45-17:15, April-July (see program)


Who? All doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in SILPAC; PIs and student assistants also welcome.

Theme: Getting to know you, getting to know SILPAC


  • 20 April Getting to know you
    • Informal reception via Gathertown for all project members
  • 27 April What is SILPAC? The frame proposal
  • 4 May Lena Kaltenbach: Structural Priming and the Dative Alternation in Middle English - First Results and Challenges of Transferring Psycholinguistic Methods from the Lab to Historical Data
  • 11 May Mariapaola Piccione: Bilingual Speakers as Drivers of Change – Operationalisation of Language Dominance through the MAIN Narrative Task with an Addendum for Possible Extensions of PB2
  • 18 May Chantal van Dijk: Long-term between-language priming of English dative and passive structures and immediate within-language priming of unaccusativity in Italian
  • 25 May Lisa Gotthard: Building, adding, searching – How to get lexically specific results out of a parsed corpus
  • 1 June Duygu Şafak: Predictive processing and syntactic priming in adult monolinguals and bilinguals during sentence comprehension
  • 15 June Alina Khodolova: Structural priming within and across languages in children as a potential driver of historical language change
  • 22 June Tara Struik: Changing the structure in the input: the impact of verbs copied from Old French on Middle English verbal prefixes and verb particle combinations
  • 29 June Alessia Cassarà: The role of argument structure in the realization of focus in French and Spanish: a comparative corpus study
  • 6 July Fenia Karkaletsou: Dative alternation in French-English bilingual adults: Exploring the limits of priming
  • 13 July Closing discussion