


  • Jacob, G., Katsika, K., Family, N., Kholodova, A., & Allen, S. E. M. (2024). Evidence for a constituent order boost in structural priming. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 3(1): 7, pp. 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5070/G60111517

  • Jacob, G., Schaeffer, M. J., Oster, K., & Hansen-Schirra, S. (2024). The psycholinguistics of shining-through effects in translation: cross-linguistic structural priming or serial lexical co-activation? Applied Psycholinguistics. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0142716424000183

  • Piccione, M. & Rainsford, T. (2024). New insights into the typology of motion in the history of French: Evidence from the manner verb lexicon. SHS Web of Conferences 191, Art. 03005. https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202419103005

  • Stein, A. (2024). Réconcilier les formats d’annotation syntaxique pour faciliter l’analyse de la syntaxe française en diachronie. SHS Web of Conferences 191, Art. 11004. https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202419111004


  • Kholodova, A., & Allen, S. E. M. (2023). The dative alternation in German: Structural preferences and verb bias effects. In E. Zehenter, M. Röthlisberger, & T. Colleman (Eds.), Ditransitives in Germanic languages: Synchronic and diachronic aspects (pp. 264-298). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/sigl.7.08kho

  • Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland, C.F., Jacob, G., & Allen. S.E.M. (2023). Abstract Priming and the Lexical Boost Effect across Development in a Structurally Biased Language. Languages, 8(4), 264. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8040264




  • Baroncini, I., Michelotti, A. & Engemann, H. (2024). Priming ME constructions within and across languages in heritage speakers of Italian living in Germany. Talk presented at The Conference on Multilingualism (COM) 2024, Aix-en-Provence, June 2024.

  • Baroncini, I., Michelotti, A. & Engemann, H. (2024). Priming motion event constructions within and across languages in heritage speakers. Talk at presented at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLAP) 2024, Edinburgh, September 2024.

  • Cassarà, A., van Dijk, C., Hopp, H. & Stein, A. (2024). Can verb classes be primed? Evidence from unaccusativity in Italian. Talk presented at the International Conference Variation and Language Processing (VALP6), Vigo, June 29, 2024.

  • Ilen, H., Jacob, G., & Engemann, H. (2024). Cross-linguistic structural priming and its role in contact-induced language change: Ungrammatical priming in Turkish-German bilinguals. Talk presented at the Unraveling Linguistic Productivity Conference. Ghent, May 2024.

  • Jacob, G., Kaltenbach, L., & Maier, M. (2024). Structural priming and the emergence of the to-dative in Middle English. Talk presented at the Unraveling Linguistic Productivity Conference. Ghent, May 2024.

  • Michelotti, A. & Engemann, H. (2024). The acquisition of motion events construal by German learners of L2 Italian: Do learners adapt to new lexicalization patterns and semantic constraints?. Talk presented at the The Conference on Multilingualism (COM) 2024, Aix-en-Provence, June 2024.

  • Michelotti, A. & Engemann, H. (2024). The acquisition of motion events construal by German learners of L2 Italian: Do learners adapt to new lexicalization patterns and semantic constraints?. Talk presented at the 10th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Osnabrück, September 2024.

  • Piccione, M. & Rainsford, T. (2024). Nouvelles perspectives sur la typologie de l’expression du mouvement dans l’histoire du français: Étude des verbes de manière. Talk presented at the Congrès Mondial de Linguistique française (CMLF), Lausanne, July 1, 2024.

  • Rainsford, T., & Piccione, M. (2024). Changement syntaxique ou changement lexical ? Le cas de la perte des constructions verbe plus particule en français médiéval. Talk presented at DIACHRO XI: le français en diachronie, Madrid, May 22, 2024.

  • Stein, A. (2024). Réconcilier les formats d’annotation syntaxique pour faciliter l’analyse de la syntaxe française en diachronie. Talk presented at the Congrès Mondial de Linguistique française (CMLF), Lausanne, July 2, 2024.

  • Stein, A., & Troberg, M. (2024). Qu’est qui a aidé aider à désobéir à la règle? Les verbes monotransitifs dans la diachronie du français. Talk presented at DIACHRO XI: le français en diachronie, Madrid, May 22, 2024.

  • van Dijk, C., & Hopp, H. (2024). Verb biases in L1-to-L2 and L2-to-L1 priming and learning. Invited talk at the 2in1 workshop on priming and processing in bilingual children, Nijmegen, Netherlands, March 21.


  • Baroncini, I., Michelotti, A., & Engemann, H. (2023). The chain of language change in Italian: Evidence from the interpretation and production of motion event constructions. Talk presented at the 37th Going Romance, Radboud University, Nijmegen, December 2023.

  • Björnsdóttir, S., Gotthard, L., Riegger, C., & Walkden, G. (2023). The rise of raising in Early Modern English. Talk presented at the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), Heidelberg, September 2023.

  • Björnsdóttir, S., Gotthard, L., Riegger, C., & Walkden, G. (2023). The rise of raising in Early Modern English. Talk presented at the Workshop on Complex Prefields in V2 Languages (Sentence Grammar/Discourse Grammar), Wuppertal, November 2023.

  • Cassarà, A., & Stein, A. (2023). Salience and structural priming of verb argument structure. Talk presented at the conference Tagung des Deutschen Romanistenverbands. Sektion 5: Salience., Leipzig, 24.-27.9.2023.

  • Cassarà, A., & Stein, A. (2023), Variation des diagnostics inaccusatifs dans l’histoire du français. Talk presented at the conference SIDF (Colloque de la Société Internationale de Diachronie du Français), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany.

  • Cassarà, A., van Dijk, C., Hopp, H. & Stein, A. (2023). Marked vs. unmarked unaccusativity with alternating verbs: linking diachronic and experimental data. Talk presented at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL26), Workshop 13: New methods for old languages: The comparability of data, Heidelberg, September 7, 2023.

  • Danckaert, L., & Stein, A. (2023). Periphrastic passives from Latin to French. Talk presented at the SLE Workshop 20: Verbal periphrases in Romance, Athens 29.8.-1.9.2023.

  • Michelotti, A., & Engemann, H. (2023). Priming and the L2 acquisition of motion event constructions. Talk presented at the conference EuroSLA 32, Birmingham, August 30.

  • Ilen, H., Jacob, G., & Engemann, H. (2023). Cross-linguistic ungrammatical priming in Turkish-German bilinguals. Talk presented at UniKon 2023, Konstanz, October 2023.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2023). Processing to Learn? Effects of prediction error in L2 structural priming. Talk presented at the 48th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston, MA, US, November 02–05.

  • Struik, T., Kaltenbach, L. & Trips, C. (2023). The results of contact: tracing changes in resultativity encoding in Middle and early Modern English in contact with Old French. Talk presented at the conference Diachronic Generative Syntax 24, Université Paris Cité.

  • Struik, T., & Trips, C. (2023). Determining the Impact of Verbs Copied from Old French: Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Verbal Prefixes and Verb Particle Combinations in Middle English. Talk presented at the Historical English Word-Formation Symposium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

  • Trips, C. (2023). Identifying effects of language contact through translation in corpora. Talk presented at the workshop WS19 Translations in the history of languages: From their position in historical corpora to their effects on language change, SLE Athens.

  • Trips, C., & Rainsford, T. (2023). How to use Yang’s Principles to model acquisition in diachrony The case of psych verbs. Talk presented at the workshop W13: New methods for old languages: The comparability of data at ICHL26 Heidelberg.


  • Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland., C., & Allen, S. E. M. (2022). Cumulative priming effects across development in monolingual and bilingual children. Talk presented at the 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC). Tromso, Norway, August 2022.

  • Kholodova, A., Peter, M., Rowland., C. & Allen, S. E. M. (2022). Cumulative priming effects across development in monolingual and bilingual children. Talk presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA). Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September, 2022.

  • Şafak, D. F. (2022). Learning and using constraints on syntactic variation in predictive L2 sentence processing. Talk presented at the 2nd Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax (OpVaMS), Wuppertal, Germany, October 05–07.

  • Struik, T., & Trips, C. (2022). Determining the Impact of Verbs Copied from Old French: Towards a Quantitative Analysis of Verbal Prefixes and Verb Particle Combinations in Middle English. Talk presented at the 44th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries, Universiteit Leiden.

  • Trips, C. (2022). Becoming selfish: the rise of reflexivity and self-compounds in Middle English. Invited talk at FunC talk lecture series, Linguistics Department Leuven.

  • Trips, C. (2022). Becoming selfish: the rise of reflexivity and self-compounds in Middle English under the contact hypothesis. Invited talk at the Distinguished Speakers in Language Science (LangSci) Colloquium Series, Saarland University.

  • Trips, C., & Stein, A. (2022). The development of reflexive strategies in Middle English, verb classes and the contact hypothesis. Talk presented at ICHL25, Oxford.



  • Jacob, G., & Maier, M. (2024). The psycholinguistics of historical language change — Structural priming and the dative alternation in Middle English. Poster presented at Linguistic Evidence. Potsdam, February 2024.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2024). Prediction-based grammatical learning in L2 processing. Poster presented at the 5th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC), Swansea, UK, May 23–24.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2024). Prediction-error-based learning in L2 sentence processing. Poster presented at the 30th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), Edinburgh, Scotland, September 05–07.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2024). Prediction-error-based priming during L2 sentence comprehension. Poster presented at the CoLeaP Workshop: Language Processing and Learning, Munich, Germany, March 07.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2024). Surprisal effects in L2 structural priming of English dative constructions. Poster presented at EuroSLA 33, Montpellier, France, July 03–06.

  • van Dijk, C., & Hopp, H. (2024). L1-to-L2 and L2-to-L1 cross-linguistic structural priming: the role of verb bias effects. Poster presented at the Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA), Montpellier, France, July 5.

  • van Dijk, C., & Hopp, H. (2024). Verb-bias effects in L1-to-L2 and L2-to-L1 cross-linguistic structural priming. Poster presented at the International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC), Swansea, Wales, May 24.

  • van Dijk, C., & Hopp, H. (2024). Verb bias effects in short-term and longer-term L1-to-L2 and L2-to-L1 cross-linguistic structural priming. Poster presented at the CoLeaP Workshop: Language Processing and Learning, Munich, Germany, March 07.


  • Baroncini, I., Michelotti, A., Engemann, H., & Torregrossa, J. (2023). Understanding the underlying mechanisms of cross-linguistic influence: Evidence from priming null and overt subject pronouns across languages. Poster presented at the conference Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PiF) 2023, Ghent, May 30.

  • Björnsdóttir, S., Gotthard, L., Riegger, C. & Walkden, G. (2023). Raising out of control. Poster presented at the 24th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Paris, July 2023.

  • Karkaletsou, F., Kholodova, A., & Allen, S. E. M. (2023). Syntactic adaptation to bilingual innovations. Evidence from Canadian French. Poster presented at the SSoL23 (Summer School of Linguistics), Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, August 14.

  • Kholodova, A., Karkaletsou., F., & Allen S. E. M. (2023). Priming effects based on prediction error across development. Poster presented at LingCologne2023: Prediction in Language, Cologne, Germany, June, 2023.

  • Michelotti, A., Baroncini, I., & Engemann, H. (2023). Priming and the L2 acquisition of motion event constructions. Poster presented at the conference Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PiF) 2023, Ghent, May 30.

  • Michelotti, A., Baroncini, I., & Engemann, H. (2023). Priming and the L2 acquisition of motion event constructions. Poster presented at the Summer School of Linguistics, České Budějovice, August 14.

  • Piccione, M. (2023). From satellite- to verb-framed language: Do manner verbs contribute to this typological shift in French? Poster presented at the 8th Naxos Summer School on Diachronic Linguistics, Naxos, July 23-29.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2023). The role of prediction error in the L2 processing of the dative alternation. Poster presented at the 20th Psycholinguistics in Flanders(PiF), Ghent, Belgium, May 29–31.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2023). Prediction error and structural priming in L2 processing. Poster presented at the LingCologne2023: Prediction in Language, Cologne, Germany, June 16–17

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2023). Learning syntactic variation in L2 sentence processing: The role of prediction error. Poster presented at EuroSLA 32, Birmingham, UK, August 30–September 02.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2023). Learning from prediction error during L2 sentence processing. Poster presented at the 29th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), Donostia–San Sebastián, Spain, August 31–September 02.

  • Trips, C., & Yang, C. (2023). Grammaticalization as distributional learning: English modals in history. Poster presented at the 24th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Paris, July 2023.

  • Trips, C., & Yang, C. (2023). Grammaticalization as distributional learning: English modals in history. Poster presented at SLE Athens.


  • Kaltenbach, L., Jacob, G., & Trips, C. (2022). The psycholinguistics of historical language change - Structural priming and the dative alternation in Middle English. Poster presented at the AMLaP 28, York, September 2022.

  • Karkaletsou, F., Kholodova, A. & Allen, S. E. M. (2022). Investigating cross-linguistic influence in bilinguals’ ungrammatical structures: Preliminary designs of an acceptability judgment and a structural priming task. Poster presented at the Workshop on L2 Sentence and Discourse Processing, Cologne, Germany, November 17.

  • Michelotti, A., Baroncini, I., & Engemann, H. (2022). Priming of form-function mappings within and across languages: Motion event constructions in German-Italian bilinguals. Poster presented at the Workshop on L2 sentence and discourse processing, Cologne, November 18.

  • Şafak, D. F., & Hopp, H. (2022). Structural priming in adult L2 learners during sentence comprehension. Poster presented at the Workshop on L2 Sentence and Discourse Processing, Cologne, Germany, November 17.