Historical linguistics (H)
- Thomas Rainsford (U Stuttgart): Project H1: Lexical change in motion: Motion verbs and motion lexicalization from medieval to modern Romance
- Achim Stein (U Stuttgart): Project H2: Change and acquisition of verbal structures
- Carola Trips (U Mannheim): Project H3: Changing the structure of the input in contact: verbal prefixes and verb particle combinations
- George Walkden (U Konstanz): Project H4: Modelling lexical diffusion in syntax: non-finite complementation in Modern English
Psycholinguistics (P)
- Shanley Allen (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau): Project P1: Cross-linguistic influence in structures at the syntax-discourse interface as a window into grammatical change
- Helen Engemann (U Mannheim): Project P2: Priming in contact-setting bilinguals and monolinguals as a driver of language change
- Holger Hopp (TU Braunschweig): Project P3: Bilingual syntactic adaptation and the mechanisms of contact-induced language change
- Gunnar Jacob (U Mannheim): Project P4: Structural priming and language change in experiments, historical corpora, and translation: Towards a psycholinguistically informed approach to historical corpus analysis
Mathematical modelling (M)
- Charles Yang (U Pennsylvania): Area M: Mechanisms of Language Acquisition and Change